Sunday, September 20, 2009


I am in the process of building a case against these thugs. Basically, I was naive and got scammed in the exact way that "wised up " did. The only difference is I paid a slightly smaller amount for the package. I realized soon after paying that I got scammed when reading online complaints of the scam. But another detail is when I got home I noticed the receipt was bogus. The address of their business was "10 University Place" when it should have been printed as "10 Universal Plaza." Knowing what I know now about the industry I would have laughed in their faces listening to the lies they dished out with a straight face. I learned my lesson and really take the "buyers beware" saying to heart.

If there's anyone out there who had any success suing them in small claims or would like to work with me to build a case against them, let me know. Also, any stories regarding attempts to sue them would be much appreciated. It's true that if people do their homework before paying for anything they minimize their susceptibility to scams but there should be serious jail time for shits like these.